Hocus Pocus Double Feature Review

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Get on the haunted nostalgia train as Alison and Brendon rewatch and review the 1993 Disney classic, Hocus Pocus. Come back to the present as they review the sequel that’s been 29 years in the making!

A Disney Studios Retrospective

Alison and Brendon discuss all things Disney Studios. Join them as they talk about their long history with the House of Mouse, from their early beginnings to their complicated relationship with the modern juggernaut, and everything in between.

Meet the Hosts – Officially Welcoming Alison

We officially welcome Alison as a full time host! Get to know a little about all of us as we discuss all our favorites. Movies, directors, actors, guilty pleasures, and more. As always, Alison stresses out about her answers, Parker berates everyone, and Brendon gets pretentious!

Recasting the Fantastic Four (Wizard Magazine 2000)

Sean joins us to discuss a casting of a potential Fantastic Four movie, and specifically who the folks over at Wizard Comics cast in their “Casting Call” section way back in 2000. What do you think of this blast from the past, and who would be your perfect Fantastic Four cast?