Meet the Hosts – Officially Welcoming Alison
We officially welcome Alison as a full time host! Get to know a little about all of us as we discuss all our favorites. Movies, directors, actors, guilty pleasures, and more. As always, Alison stresses out about her answers, Parker berates everyone, and Brendon gets pretentious!
Meet the Hosts – Officially Welcoming Alison

We officially welcome Alison as a full time host! Get to know a little about all of us as we talk all of our favorites. Movies, directors, actors, guilty pleasures. As always, Alison stresses out about her answers, Parker berates everyone, and Brendon gets pretentious!
Meet the Hosts – Officially Welcoming Alison

We officially welcome Alison as a full time host! Get to know a little about all of us as we discuss our favorites. Movies, directors, actors, guilty pleasures, and more. As always, Alison stresses out about her answers, Parker berates everyone, and Brendon gets pretentious!
Episode 8: Dangerous Interpretation
People are always saying that “art is subjective”, but what about when someone thinks something that is just plain wrong? From Joker and Taxi Driver to Fight Club and American Psycho, the boys discuss films that people frequently get wrong, and the consequences that can occur.
Episode 8: Dangerous Interpretation

People are always saying that “art is subjective”, but what about when someone thinks something that is just plain wrong? From Joker and Taxi Driver to Fight Club and American Psycho, the boys discuss films that people frequently get wrong, and the consequences that can occur.
Episode 3: No MCU, No Cinema

The boys discuss what makes a movie “Cinema”, what Martin Scorsese meant, and whether movie theatres would still be in business without the Marvel Cinematic Universe.